Definitely Do Not Open This Book (2025)


570 reviews8 followers

January 20, 2021

Way to ruin a picture book with “dammit”. Glad I didn’t buy the hardcover for my school library, the paperback is going in the donate pile. I love these types of books that interact with the kids but even a mild swear is not ok for the elementary set.



127 reviews1 follower

July 6, 2020

don't judge. it was free from QBD bc I spent a crap load of money. *spoiler alert* it's crap.


260 reviews

October 24, 2021

My favourite book series ever!



661 reviews26 followers

June 15, 2022

Se for o primeiro que lemos do autor vamos ficar surpreendentemente agradados. Mas para quem, como eu, leu o primeiro livro, esta obra acaba por ser mais do mesmo. É bom mas queria que o autor tivesse experimentado uma fórmula diferente desta vez.

Ana Bugalho

289 reviews2 followers

June 10, 2024

For those who, like me, read the first book, this one ends up being more of the same.

Hannah Potter

10 reviews

November 22, 2022

This book was such a fun book to read! This book is about a character named Wizz who does not want the reader to keep turning the page and reading the words. The farther you read, the more tired he gets and he does not want to fall asleep. The illustrations are great and the way the words are laid out are very engaging for kids. I read this book to my students to show the importance of punctuation. This book has lots of different punctuation and fun ways to lay out words. I also used this book to show how it's important to read with expression. You can read this book in such a fun and engaging way and I wanted to show them that. Overall, this book is great and kids love it. I want to include this in my classroom library one day!


395 reviews1 follower

January 14, 2021

As we all know, children LOVE to do what they are told NOT to do. In this second installment of Andy Lee's Do Not Open This Book series, the MC in the story tells the reader not to turn the pages of the book. With every page turned, the MC gets more and more sleepy. He tries music, coffee, bright lights, an even an ice bath to stay awake, to no avail. By the end of the book, the MC is fast asleep.

Teaching points: extreme measures, bedtime, just for fun

Grade Level: K-2

Location: LES library

Related reads:
Do Not Open This Book by Andy Lee
There's a Monster at the End of This Book by Jon Stone
The Book That Eats People by John Perry

    funny physical-book picture-books


3,876 reviews40 followers

February 9, 2021

Read this with Mister. He liked it almost as much as he liked the first one. He kept on begging to read it "again." He didn't understand all of the staying awake concepts (drinking endless coffee and the brass band), but he giggled at the icy bath and the frozen rubber ducky. These sort of books make him rather nervous, all in all, and he urges ME to turn the pages as he is worried that the Monster will get mad at him for doing so. I had to keep coaching him, "How about I turn just one more page and we see what happens?"

    2021 bedtime-books children-s-picture-books


72 reviews1 follower

August 14, 2020

This is like the trashy modern version of Theres A Monster At The End Of This Book. It includes one or two words which might be considered swear words, so if you'd rather your kid didn't swear, or they're at the age where they can kind-of read and want to read it with you, maybe give this one a miss.

    borrowed-from-library picture-books

Tracy Allen

1 review

March 11, 2023

There is not need to have ANY cuss words in a children's book whatsoever, especially when there's so many other words that aren't bad that can get the same point across. Goes to show them intelligence (or lack thereof) of the author. Im thoroughly disappointed that I had to burn this book. Would have been a good book otherwise. Way to ruin it!


827 reviews35 followers

July 17, 2023

I was exhausted when I read this to my niece and had just woken up from a nap, so it was a perfect fit. I was able to get some genuine yawns in without actually pausing to do so because there were yawns written in. And my niece always loves doing what she's been told not to do, so it was a win-win.

    2023 read-with-the-littles

Lil Old Bookworm

612 reviews17 followers

April 20, 2024

This reminded me of a classic sesame street story from my childhood that I adored, "the monster at the end of this book." My kids love that one, so I figured they'd love this one too, and they did. Funny illustrations, chances for them to play along and interact with the book, and overall a good time.


1,232 reviews8 followers

March 31, 2021

Do not open this book! Unless you're ready for bedtime.

This is a great book to have on the night stand to put your kid to sleep. I thought it was adorable and now I'm looking for a rugrat to read it to.

    childrens-books humor illustration-style


2,712 reviews

January 27, 2022

This is a silly book where an alien warns the reader not to read this book. Each page gets more and more frantic and dramatic. Kids will love seeing what happens when you DO turn the page and keep reading. HIlarious illustrations. Kids will laugh out loud. Highly recommended for Grades k-2.


2,293 reviews14 followers

May 14, 2022

I mush prefer the first one, but I can see people liking this book too. It just wasn't my cup of tea. The concept is clever though and the ending is quite brilliant. The illustrations are the same as the first book, but I feel like more stuff is going around in them than in the first book.

مصطفي سليمان

Author2 books2,176 followers

December 31, 2022

انا حابب السلسلة دي قوي بجد.. دمها خفيف جدا.. هي عن كائن عايش في كتاب وكل اللي بيطلبه منك أنك متقلبش الصفحة
وفي كل مرة بتقلب الصفحة بيتصعب أكتر أو بيحصله حاجة.. بيحاول في كل مرة انه يقنعك أنك متقلبش الصفحة
كتاب مسلي ولطيف خالص

Javi Arancibia

129 reviews

April 7, 2023

Te Suplico… Por Favor no Abrir Este Libro
Lo acabo de leer 🤭
Me encantó
Es de estos libros infantiles super dinámicos.
Pero también soy demasiado blanda con los libros que generan interacción con el lector.
Eso si, confirmo que amo los libros infantiles


104 reviews11 followers

March 12, 2020

I mean, this series is definitely written for kids!

Annamarie Carlson (she, her)

1,137 reviews19 followers


January 2, 2021

Wizz is going to convince you this time: do not open this book! And if you do...don't turn any more pages! If you do, both you and Wizz will just be getting closer and closer to sleep.

    2019-publication-date age-preschool age-toddler

Mrs Heet -Librarian

738 reviews3 followers

January 12, 2021

For fans of Monster at the End of the Book, you will love this silly modern take.


2,279 reviews18 followers

February 3, 2021

I'm very concerned with the likelihood of children trying to duplicate the toothpicks in the eye part... Not my favorite in the world of interactive picture books.



585 reviews

February 24, 2021

A funny and fun kids book!


2,735 reviews

March 15, 2021

This would be a good bedtime story.

    picture-books play-pretend

Kristy Lacy

19 reviews2 followers

June 1, 2021

Excellent fun for the kids!! I loved the look of intrigue on my niece’s face as we excitedly decided to keep turning the pages. Fun, right from the first page.

Nohemí González

246 reviews

July 28, 2021

Really cute the adventures of this poor and cursed little monster, this is fantastic because it's actually a book to read before going to sleep 😴


1 review


October 5, 2021


This entire review has been hidden because of spoilers.


1,156 reviews6 followers

October 7, 2021

Bright and funny - it might even make a reluctant reader smile.....

    easy-read kids-teens picture-books

Theresa Grissom

803 reviews28 followers

January 21, 2022

Younger children will giggle their way through this one.

    1st-grade 2nd kindergarten

Krystal Pennuto

7 reviews1 follower

April 1, 2022

An adorable goodnight book to read to your little ones!


4,567 reviews1 follower

May 15, 2022

3 stars - I think I needed to have read the first book to appreciate this one

Definitely Do Not Open This Book (2025)
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Author: Dong Thiel

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Name: Dong Thiel

Birthday: 2001-07-14

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Hobby: Graffiti, Foreign language learning, Gambling, Metalworking, Rowing, Sculling, Sewing

Introduction: My name is Dong Thiel, I am a brainy, happy, tasty, lively, splendid, talented, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.